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his first single

  • 1 ♦ single

    ♦ single /ˈsɪŋgl/
    A a.
    1 singolo; solo; semplice; individuale; unico; solitario: (bot.) single flower, fiore semplice; a single tree, un solo albero; un albero solitario; I didn't understand a single word, non capii una sola (o neppure una) parola; a single-track railway, una ferrovia a binario unico (o a un solo binario); (econ.) the European Single Market, il Mercato Unico Europeo
    2 celibe; scapolo; single
    3 nubile; single
    4 (fig. raro) schietto; sincero; leale; onesto
    5 (fig.) deciso; determinato; saldo; sicuro: a man of single purpose, un uomo di saldi propositi; un uomo che sa quello che vuole
    B n.
    1 persona non sposata; single: a singles bar, un bar ritrovo di persone non sposate
    2 (ferr., ecc.) biglietto semplice; biglietto d'andata: DIALOGO → - At the station 2- I'd like a single to Brighton please, vorrei un biglietto di sola andata per Brighton
    6 single; uomo (che vive da) solo; scapolo; divorziato
    7 single; donna sola; nubile; divorziata
    8 (tur.) singola ( camera): DIALOGO → - Changing a hotel booking- We have rooms available for those nights, but we don't have any singles, abbiamo delle camere libere per quelle notti ma non abbiamo nessuna singola
    9 ( baseball) singolo: If a batter stops at first base, he has collected a single, se un battitore si ferma in prima base, ha fatto un singolo
    10 ( cricket) single; colpo con cui si realizza un ‘run’
    12 ( tennis; pl. col verbo al sing.) singles, singolo, singolare ( la partita): The women's singles is very popular, il singolare femminile è molto seguito
    13 (fam. USA) (mus.) solista; esibizione solistica
    ● (mecc.) ( di motore) single-acting, a semplice effetto □ ( pattinaggio artistico) single axel, axel singolo □ ( di fucile) single-barrelled, a una canna □ a single bed, un letto a una piazza; un letto a un posto □ (scherz.) single blessedness, vita da scapolo; celibato □ single bond, (chim.) legame semplice; (fin.) obbligazione semplice □ ( di giacca o cappotto) single-breasted, a un petto; monopetto □ (autom.) single-carriageway road, strada ordinaria (a una sola carreggiata) □ (biol.) single-cell protein, bioproteina □ single combat, corpo a corpo; singolar tenzone (lett.) □ (aeron.) single-control, a un solo comando; monocomando □ (econ.) single cost, costo unitario □ single cream, panna light (o a basso contenuto di grassi) □ (agric.) single-crop farming, monocoltura □ ( di lima) single-cut, a taglio semplice □ (mecc.: di motore) single-cylinder, monocilindrico □ ( motociclismo) single-cylinder class, categoria delle monocilindriche □ (trasp.) single-deck bus, autobus a un (solo) piano □ single-decker, autobus a un piano; (naut.) nave a un ponte □ (demogr.) single delivery, parto semplice □ (mecc.) single-engined, monomotore □ (rag.) single entry, partita semplice: single-entry bookkeeping, contabilità in partita semplice □ single-eye cutting, talea a un solo bottone ( di una pianta) □ single-eyed, monocolo, guercio; (fig.) equanime, leale □ (econ.) single-figure inflation, inflazione a una cifra sola □ in single file, in fila indiana; in fila: a single file of cars, una fila di automobili; to walk single file, camminare in fila indiana □ ( tennis, ecc.) singles game, partita di singolo □ single-handed, che ha una mano sola, monco; (mecc.) che si usa (o si manovra) con una mano sola; (fig.: di un viaggio, ecc.) solitario; (fatto) da solo; da sé; senz'aiuto: ( tennis) single-handed backhand, rovescio con una mano sola; by his single-handed efforts, con gli sforzi compiuti da lui solo; Cavour knew that Piedmont could not defeat Austria single-handed, Cavour sapeva che il Piemonte non poteva sconfiggere l'Austria da solo □ single-hearted, sincero; schietto; devoto; leale □ single-heartedness, sincerità; schiettezza; devozione; lealtà □ single income, monoreddito □ single issue, numero unico ( di una rivista) □ single life, vita da scapolo, celibato; vita da nubile, nubilato ( raro) □ (telef.) single line, linea singola; singolo □ (autom.) single-line traffic, (traffico a) corsia unica □ single loader, arma da fuoco (spec. fucile) a un solo colpo □ (polit.) single-member constituency, collegio uninominale □ single-minded, che va dritto allo scopo; determinato, deciso, risoluto; = single-hearted ► sopra □ single parent, genitore non sposato □ single-parent family, famiglia monoparentale □ (polit.) single-party government, (governo) monocolore □ (elettr.) single-phase system, sistema monofase □ (autom., mecc.) single-plate clutch, frizione monodisco □ ( sport) singles player, giocatore di singolo; singolarista □ (elettr.) single-pole, monopolare □ (market.) single price, prezzo unico □ ( boxe) single-punch hitter, pugile che ha il colpo risolutivo dell'incontro (fam.: che ha la castagna) □ a single room, una camera a un letto; una camera singola □ (naut.) single-screw, monoelica □ ( canottaggio) single scull, singolo di coppia, singolo □ ( canottaggio) single sculler, singolo ( l'uomo) □ (autom., aeron.) single-seater, monoposto □ single-sex, monosessuato: a single-sex school, una scuola monosessuata ( non mista) □ ( tennis) singles sideline, linea (laterale) del singolo □ (econ.) single standard, monometallismo □ single state, ( d'uomo) celibato; ( di donna) l'esser nubile □ ( calcio) single striker, punta unica □ (stat.) single-tail test, criterio unilaterale □ (cinem.) single take, piano sequenza □ (ferr., ecc.) a single ticket, un biglietto d'andata □ (fig.) a single-track mind, una mente ristretta (o limitata) □ (autom.) single track road, strada per un solo veicolo alla volta □ (autom., in GB) single yellow line, riga gialla ( divieto di parcheggio e di sosta) □ (fig.) to judge with a single eye, dare un giudizio equo (o leale); essere equanime □ not a single one, non uno; nemmeno uno □ to pay in a single sum, pagare per contanti (o in un'unica soluzione) □ I couldn't see a single soul, non si vedeva anima viva.
    (to) single /ˈsɪngl/
    A v. t.
    1 ( anche to single out) scegliere; selezionare; distinguere: He was singled out for a special mention, è stato scelto per una menzione d'onore
    2 ( baseball) segnare (un ‘run’) con un singolo
    B v. i.
    ● ( baseball) to single a base runner to third base, fare avanzare un corridore fino a raggiungere la terza base □ to single sb. out for punishment, destinare q. a essere punito.

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ single

  • 2 out

    1) (away from place)

    out here/there — hier/da draußen

    ‘Out’ — ‘Ausfahrt’/‘Ausgang’ od. ‘Aus’

    go out shoppingetc. einkaufen usw. gehen

    be out(not at home, not in one's office, etc.) nicht da sein

    she was/stayed out all night — sie war/blieb eine/die ganze Nacht weg

    have a day out in London/at the beach — einen Tag in London/am Strand verbringen

    would you come out with me?würdest du mit mir ausgehen?

    the journey outdie Hinfahrt

    he is out in Africaer ist in Afrika


    be out(asleep) weg sein (ugs.); (drunk) hinüber sein (ugs.); (unconscious) bewusstlos sein; (Boxing) aus sein

    3) (no longer burning) aus[gegangen]

    be 3% out in one's calculations — sich um 3% verrechnet haben

    you're a long way outdu hast dich gewaltig geirrt

    this is £5 out — das stimmt um 5 Pfund nicht

    5) (not in fashion) passee (ugs.); out (ugs.)
    6) (so as to be seen or heard) heraus; raus (ugs.)

    out with it!heraus od. (ugs.) raus damit od. mit der Sprache!

    [the] truth will out — die Wahrheit wird herauskommen

    the sun/moon is out — die Sonne/der Mond scheint


    be out for something/to do something — auf etwas (Akk.) aus sein/darauf aus sein, etwas zu tun

    be out for all one can get — alles haben wollen, was man bekommen kann

    8) (to or at an end)

    he had it finished before the day/month was out — er war noch am selben Tag/vor Ende des Monats damit fertig

    please hear me outlass mich bitte ausreden


    an out and out disgrace — eine ungeheure Schande. See also academic.ru/89686/out_of">out of

    2. noun
    (way of escape) Ausweg, der (fig.); (excuse) Alibi, das
    * * *
    (to allow to come in, go out: Let me in!; I let the dog out.) herein-, herauslassen
    * * *
    1. inv, pred
    to be \out (absent) abwesend [o nicht da] [o fam weg] sein; (on strike) sich akk im Ausstand befinden BRD, ÖSTERR; (demonstrating) auf die Straße gehen; (for consultation) jury sich akk zurückgezogen haben; borrowed from the library entliehen sein
    2. inv, pred (outside)
    to be \out [somewhere] [irgendwo] draußen sein; sun, moon, stars am Himmel stehen; prisoner [wieder] draußen sein fam
    everyone was \out on deck alle waren [draußen] an Deck
    3. inv, pred (on the move)
    to be \out unterwegs sein; army ausgerückt sein
    to be \out on one's rounds seine Runde machen
    to be \out and about unterwegs sein; (after an illness) wieder auf den Beinen sein
    4. inv, pred (in blossom)
    to be \out blühen; tree also in Blüte stehen
    5. inv, pred (available)
    to be \out erhältlich [o zu haben] sein; (on the market) auf dem Markt sein
    her novel has been \out for a over a year ihr Roman ist bereits vor über einem Jahr herausgekommen [o bereits seit über einem Jahr auf dem Markt]
    his new book will be \out in May sein neues Buch wird im Mai veröffentlicht [o kommt im Mai heraus
    6. inv, pred ( fam: existing)
    to be the best/worst... \out der/die/das beste/schlechteste... sein, den/die/das es zurzeit gibt
    he's the best footballer \out er ist der beste Fußballer, den es zurzeit gibt
    7. inv, pred (known)
    to be \out heraus [o fam raus] sein; secret gelüftet sein; news bekannt sein
    [the] truth will \out die Wahrheit wird ans Licht kommen
    8. inv, pred
    to be \out (asleep) schlafen; (unconscious) bewusstlos [o fam weg] sein
    to be \out cold bewusstlos sein
    to be \out for the count BOXING k.o. [o ausgezählt] sein; ( fig) total hinüber [o erledigt] [o SCHWEIZ durch] sein fam
    to be \out like a light ( fam) weg sein fam
    9. inv, pred (finished)
    to be \out aus [o zu Ende] [o vorbei] sein
    school will be \out in June die Schule endet im Juni
    before the month/year is \out vor Ende [o Ablauf] des Monats/Jahres
    10. inv, pred SPORT
    to be \out (not playing) nicht [mehr] im Spiel sein, draußen sein fam; (in cricket, baseball) aus sein; (outside a boundary) ball, player im Aus sein
    Johnson is \out on a foul Johnson wurde wegen eines Fouls vom Platz gestellt
    Owen is \out with an injury Owen ist mit einer Verletzung ausgeschieden
    11. inv, pred ( fam)
    to be \out (not in a competition, team) draußen sein fam; (out of power) nicht mehr an der Macht sein; (expelled, dismissed) [raus]fliegen fam
    I've had enough! you're \out! mir reicht's! sie fliegen [raus]!
    to be \out on the streets unemployed arbeitslos sein, auf der Straße stehen [o sitzen] fig fam; homeless obdachlos sein, auf der Straße leben
    12. inv, pred ( fam)
    to be \out (unacceptable) unmöglich sein fam; (unfashionable) aus der Mode sein, passé [o out] sein fam
    13. inv, pred (not possible)
    to be \out unmöglich sein
    that plan is absolutely \out dieser Plan kommt überhaupt nicht infrage
    14. inv, pred (off)
    to be \out light, TV aus sein; fire a. erloschen sein
    15. inv, pred (inaccurate)
    to be \out falsch [o fam daneben] sein, danebenliegen fam; watch falsch gehen
    our estimates were \out by a few dollars wir lagen mit unseren Schätzungen um ein paar Dollar daneben fam
    to be \out in one's calculations sich akk verrechnet haben, mit seinen Berechnungen danebenliegen fam
    16. inv, pred ( fam: in search of)
    to be \out for sth auf etw akk aus sein fam, es auf etw akk abgesehen haben
    he's just \out for a good time er will sich nur amüsieren
    to be \out for trouble Streit suchen
    to be \out to do sth es darauf abgesehen haben, etw zu tun
    they're \out to get me die sind hinter mir her fam
    17. inv, pred homosexual
    to be \out sich akk geoutet haben fam
    18. inv, pred tide
    the tide is \out es ist Ebbe
    when the tide is \out bei Ebbe
    19. inv, pred debutante
    to be \out in die Gesellschaft eingeführt sein
    1. inv (not in sth) außen; (not in a room, flat) draußen; (outdoors) draußen, im Freien
    a day \out in the country ein Tag m auf dem Land
    “\out” „Ausgang“; (for vehicles) „Ausfahrt“
    “keep \out!” „betreten verboten!“
    to keep sb/sth \out jdn/etw nicht hereinlassen
    close the window to keep the rain/wind \out mach das Fenster zu, damit es nicht hereinregnet/zieht
    to keep the cold \out die Kälte abhalten
    \out here/there hier/da draußen
    2. inv (outwards) heraus, raus fam; (seen from inside) hinaus [o raus] fam; (facing the outside) nach außen, raus fam; of room, building a. nach draußen
    get \out! raus hier! fam
    can you find your way \out? finden Sie selbst hinaus?
    \out with it heraus damit! fam, [he]raus mit der Sprache! fam
    to bring/take sth \out [to the garden] etw [in den Garten] heraus-/hinausbringen
    to take sth \out [of an envelope] etw [aus einem Umschlag] herausholen
    to see sb \out jdn hinausbegleiten
    to turn sth inside \out etw umstülpen; clothes etw auf links drehen
    to ask sb \out [for a drink/meal] jdn [auf einen Drink/zum Essen] einladen
    he's asked her \out er hat sie gefragt, ob sie mit ihm ausgehen will
    to eat \out im Restaurant [o auswärts] essen
    to go \out ausgehen, weggehen
    4. inv (removed) heraus, raus fam; (extinguished) aus
    I can't get the stain \out ich kriege den Fleck nicht wieder raus fam
    to put a fire \out ein Feuer löschen
    to cross sth \out etw ausstreichen [o durchstreichen
    5. inv (fully, absolutely)
    burnt \out ( also fig) ausgebrannt a. fig; fuse durchgebrannt; candle heruntergebrannt
    tired \out völlig [o ganz] erschöpft
    \out and away AM bei Weitem, mit Abstand
    she is \out and away the best sie ist mit Abstand die Beste
    6. inv (aloud)
    she called \out to him to stop sie rief ihm zu, er solle anhalten
    to cry \out in pain vor Schmerzen aufschreien
    to laugh \out [loud] [laut] auflachen
    7. inv (to an end, finished)
    over and \out AVIAT Ende fachspr
    to die \out aussterben; ( fig) applause verebben
    to fight sth \out etw [untereinander] austragen [o ausfechten
    8. inv (out of prison)
    to come [or get] \out freikommen
    to let sb \out jdn freilassen
    to go \out like a light ( fam) sofort weg sein fam
    to knock sb \out jdn bewusstlos [o k.o.] schlagen
    to pass \out in Ohnmacht fallen
    10. inv (dislocated)
    to put sb's arm/shoulder \out jdm den Arm verrenken/die Schulter ausrenken
    to put one's back/shoulder \out sich dat den Rücken verrenken/die Schulter ausrenken
    the accident put her back \out sie verrenkte sich bei dem Unfall den Rücken
    11. inv (open)
    to open sth \out (unfold) etw auseinanderfalten; (spread out) etw ausbreiten; (extend) furniture etw ausziehen
    12. inv (outdated)
    to go \out aus der Mode kommen
    to have gone \out with the ark ( fam) völlig altmodisch [o BRD hum fam von anno Tobak] sein
    13. inv (time off)
    to take ten minutes \out eine Auszeit von zehn Minuten nehmen
    14. inv tide
    the tide is going \out die Ebbe setzt ein
    15. inv (at a distant place) draußen
    he lived \out in Zambia for ten years er lebte zehn Jahre lang in Sambia
    \out at sea auf See
    \out west im Westen; AM (west coast) an der Westküste
    \out here hier draußen
    16. inv (towards a distant place) in die Ferne geh, weit weg
    they went \out as missionaries in the 1920's sie zogen in den 20er Jahren als Missionare in die Ferne geh
    to go/travel \out to New Zealand nach [o ins ferne] Neuseeland gehen/reisen
    to move \out to the west coast [or AM \out west] an die Westküste ziehen
    to \out sb
    1. (eject) jdn rausschmeißen fam; SPORT jdn vom Platz stellen
    2. BOXING jdn k.o. schlagen
    3. homosexual jdn outen fam
    ( fam) aus + dat
    to run \out the door zur Tür hinausrennen
    to throw sth \out the car etw aus dem Auto werfen
    * * *
    1. adv
    1) (= not in container, car etc) außen; (= not in building, room) draußen; (indicating motion) (seen from inside) hinaus, raus (inf); (seen from outside) heraus, raus (inf)

    to be out — weg sein; (when visitors come) nicht da sein

    they are out fishing/shopping — sie sind zum Fischen/Einkaufen (gegangen), sie sind fischen/einkaufen

    it's cold out here/there — es ist kalt hier/da or dort draußen

    out!raus (hier)! (inf)

    out it goes! — hinaus damit, raus damit (inf)

    we had a day out at the beach/in London — wir haben einen Tag am Meer/in London verbracht

    the journey out — die Hinreise; (seen from destination) die Herfahrt

    the tide is out —


    (indicating distance) when he was out in Persia — als er in Persien war

    to go out to China —

    Wilton Street? isn't that out your way?Wilton Street? ist das nicht da (hinten) bei euch in der Gegend?

    the boat was ten miles out —

    five miles out from shore — fünf Meilen von der Küste weg, fünf Meilen vor der Küste


    to be out (sun) — (he)raus or draußen sein; (stars, moon) am Himmel stehen (geh), da sein; (flowers) blühen


    (= in existence) the worst newspaper/best car out — die schlechteste Zeitung, die/das beste Auto, das es zur Zeit gibt, die schlechteste Zeitung/das beste Auto überhaupt


    (= not in prison) to be out — draußen sein; (seen from outside also) (he)raus sein


    (= in the open, known) their secret was out —

    out with it! — heraus damit!, heraus mit der Sprache!


    (= to or at an end) before the day/month is/was out — vor Ende des Tages/Monats, noch am selben Tag/im selben Monat

    8) (light, fire) aus
    9) (= not in fashion) aus der Mode, passé, out (inf)
    10) (SPORT ball) aus; (player) aus(geschlagen), out
    11) (= out of the question, not permissible) ausgeschlossen, nicht drin (inf)

    (= worn out) the jacket is out at the elbows — die Jacke ist an den Ellbogen durch


    (indicating error) he was out in his calculations, his calculations were out — er lag mit seinen Berechnungen daneben (inf) or falsch, er hatte sich in seinen Berechnungen geirrt

    you're far or way out!weit gefehlt! (geh), da hast du dich völlig vertan (inf)

    we were £5/20% out — wir hatten uns um £ 5/20% verrechnet or vertan (inf)

    that's £5/20% out —

    the post isn't quite vertical yet, it's still a bit out my clock is 20 minutes out — der Pfahl ist noch nicht ganz senkrecht, er ist noch etwas schief meine Uhr geht 20 Minuten falsch or verkehrt


    (indicating loudness, clearness) speak out (loud) — sprechen Sie laut/lauter


    (indicating purpose) to be out for sth — auf etw (acc) aus sein

    she was out to pass the examsie war ( fest) entschlossen, die Prüfung zu bestehen

    he's out for all he can get — er will haben, was er nur bekommen kann

    he's just out to make money —


    (= unconscious) to be out — bewusstlos or weg (inf) sein

    17) (dirt, stain etc) (he)raus

    out and away — weitaus, mit Abstand

    2. n
    2) (esp US inf = way out) Hintertür(chen nt) f
    3. prep
    aus (+dat)

    to go out the door/window —

    → also out of
    4. vt
    homosexual outen
    * * *
    out [aʊt]
    A adv
    a) hinaus(-gehen, -werfen etc)
    b) heraus(-kommen, -schauen etc)
    c) aus(-brechen, -pumpen, -sterben etc)
    d) aus(-probieren, -rüsten etc):
    voyage out Ausreise f;
    way out Ausgang m;
    on the way out beim Hinausgehen;
    have one’s tonsils out sich die Mandeln herausnehmen lassen;
    he had his tonsils out yesterday ihm wurden gestern die Mandeln herausgenommen;
    have a tooth out sich einen Zahn ziehen lassen;
    insure out and home WIRTSCH hin und zurück versichern;
    out with him! hinaus oder umg raus mit ihm!;
    out with it! hinaus oder heraus damit! ( A 10);
    that’s out das kommt nicht infrage!;
    out of C 4
    2. außen, draußen, fort:
    he is out er ist draußen;
    out and about (wieder) auf den Beinen;
    he is out for a walk er macht gerade einen Spaziergang
    3. nicht zu Hause:
    be out on business geschäftlich unterwegs oder verreist sein;
    we had an evening out wir sind am Abend ausgegangen
    4. von der Arbeit abwesend:
    be out on account of illness wegen Krankheit der Arbeit fernbleiben;
    a day out ein freier Tag
    5. im oder in den Streik:
    be out streiken; go out 10
    6. a) ins Freie
    b) draußen, im Freien
    c) SCHIFF draußen, auf See
    d) MIL im Felde
    7. als Hausangestellte beschäftigt
    8. raus, (aus dem Gefängnis etc) entlassen:
    out on bail gegen Bürgschaft auf freiem Fuß
    9. heraus, veröffentlicht, an der oder an die Öffentlichkeit:
    (just) out (soeben) erschienen (Buch);
    it came out in June es kam im Juni heraus, es erschien im Juni;
    his first single will be out next week kommt nächste Woche auf den Markt;
    the girl is not yet out das Mädchen ist noch nicht in die Gesellschaft eingeführt (worden)
    10. heraus, ans Licht, zum Vorschein, entdeckt, -hüllt, -faltet:
    the chickens are out die Küken sind ausgeschlüpft;
    a) die Blumen sind heraus oder blühen,
    b) die Blüten sind entfaltet;
    the secret is out das Geheimnis ist enthüllt oder gelüftet (worden);
    out with it! heraus damit!, heraus mit der Sprache! ( A 1)
    11. be out for es abgesehen haben auf (akk), aus sein auf (akk):
    be out for prey auf Raub aus sein
    12. be out for sth sich für etwas einsetzen oder erklären
    13. be out to do sth darauf aus sein oder darauf abzielen, etwas zu tun
    14. weit und breit, in der Welt (besonders zur Verstärkung des sup):
    out and away bei Weitem
    15. SPORT aus:
    a) nicht (mehr) im Spiel
    b) im Aus
    16. Boxen: k. o.:
    out on one’s feet
    a) stehend k. o.,
    b) fig schwer angeschlagen, erledigt (beide umg)
    17. POL draußen, raus, nicht (mehr) im Amt, nicht (mehr) am Ruder:
    18. aus der Mode, out:
    19. aus, vorüber, vorbei, zu Ende:
    school is out US die Schule ist aus;
    before the week is out vor Ende der Woche
    20. aus, erloschen:
    21. aus(gegangen), verbraucht, alle:
    22. aus der Übung:
    23. zu Ende, bis zum Ende, ganz:
    tired out vollständig erschöpft;
    out and out durch und durch, ganz und gar; hear A 3, sit out A 1
    24. nicht an der richtigen Stelle oder im richtigen Zustand, z. B.
    a) verrenkt (Arm etc)
    b) geistesgestört, verrückt
    c) über die Ufer getreten (Fluss)
    25. löch(e)rig, zerrissen, durchgescheuert: elbow A 1
    26. ärmer um:
    be $10 out
    27. a) verpachtet, vermietet
    b) verliehen, ausgeliehen (Geld, auch Buch):
    land out at rent verpachtetes Land;
    out at interest auf Zinsen ausgeliehen (Geld)
    28. unrichtig, im Irrtum (befangen):
    his calculations are out seine Berechnungen stimmen nicht;
    be (far) out sich (gewaltig) irren, (ganz) auf dem Holzweg sein fig
    29. entzweit, verkracht umg:
    be out with s.o
    30. verärgert, ärgerlich
    31. laut:
    laugh out laut (heraus)lachen;
    speak out!
    a) sprich lauter!,
    b) heraus damit!
    B adj
    1. Außen…:
    out islands entlegene oder abgelegene Inseln
    2. POL nicht (mehr) im Amt oder am Ruder (befindlich):
    out party Oppositionspartei f
    3. abgehend (Zug etc)
    C präp
    1. (heraus oder hervor) aus (obs außer nach from):
    from out the house aus dem Haus heraus
    2. aus, heraus oder hinaus aus oder zu:
    out the window zum Fenster hinaus, aus dem Fenster
    3. US umg
    a) hinaus
    b) draußen an (dat) oder in (dat):
    drive out Main Street die Hauptstraße (entlang) hinausfahren;
    live out Main Street (weiter) draußen an der Hauptstraße wohnen
    a) aus (… heraus):
    b) zu … hinaus:
    c) aus, von:
    two out of three Americans zwei von drei Amerikanern
    d) außerhalb, außer Reichweite, Sicht etc
    e) außer Atem, Übung etc:
    be out of sth etwas nicht (mehr) haben;
    we are out of oil uns ist das Öl ausgegangen, wir haben kein Öl mehr
    f) aus der Mode, Richtung etc:
    out of drawing verzeichnet;
    be out of it umg weg vom Fenster sein; alignment 3, focus A 1, question A 4
    g) außerhalb (gen oder von):
    be out of it fig nicht dabei sein (dürfen);
    feel out of it sich ausgeschlossen fühlen; door Bes Redew
    i) von, aus:
    get sth out of sb etwas von jemandem bekommen;
    he got more (pleasure) out of it er hatte mehr davon
    j) (hergestellt) aus:
    k) fig aus Bosheit, Furcht, Mitleid etc
    l) ZOOL abstammend von, aus einer Stute etc
    D int
    1. hinaus!, raus!:
    out with A 1, A 10
    2. out (up)on obs pfui oder Schande über (akk):
    out upon you!
    E s
    1. US Außenseite f: in D 2
    2. besonders US Ausweg m (auch fig)
    3. Tennis etc: Ausball m
    4. the outs pl POL die Opposition, die nicht regierende Partei
    5. pl US Streit m:
    at outs ( oder on the outs) with im Streit mit, auf gespanntem Fuße mit
    6. US umg
    a) schlechte etc Leistung
    b) Schönheitsfehler m
    7. TYPO Auslassung f, Leiche f
    8. pl WIRTSCH US ausgegangene Bestände pl oder Waren pl
    F v/t
    1. hinauswerfen, verjagen
    2. umg outen, als schwul bloßstellen
    G v/i ans Licht oder zum Vorschein kommen: murder A
    * * *

    out here/there — hier/da draußen

    ‘Out’ — ‘Ausfahrt’/‘Ausgang’ od. ‘Aus’

    go out shoppingetc. einkaufen usw. gehen

    be out(not at home, not in one's office, etc.) nicht da sein

    she was/stayed out all night — sie war/blieb eine/die ganze Nacht weg

    have a day out in London/at the beach — einen Tag in London/am Strand verbringen


    be out (asleep) weg sein (ugs.); (drunk) hinüber sein (ugs.); (unconscious) bewusstlos sein; (Boxing) aus sein

    3) (no longer burning) aus[gegangen]

    be 3% out in one's calculations — sich um 3% verrechnet haben

    this is £5 out — das stimmt um 5 Pfund nicht

    5) (not in fashion) passee (ugs.); out (ugs.)
    6) (so as to be seen or heard) heraus; raus (ugs.)

    out with it!heraus od. (ugs.) raus damit od. mit der Sprache!

    [the] truth will out — die Wahrheit wird herauskommen

    the sun/moon is out — die Sonne/der Mond scheint


    be out for something/to do something — auf etwas (Akk.) aus sein/darauf aus sein, etwas zu tun

    be out for all one can get — alles haben wollen, was man bekommen kann

    he had it finished before the day/month was out — er war noch am selben Tag/vor Ende des Monats damit fertig


    an out and out disgrace — eine ungeheure Schande. See also out of

    2. noun
    (way of escape) Ausweg, der (fig.); (excuse) Alibi, das
    * * *
    außerhalb adj.
    heraus adj.
    hinaus adj. adv.
    aus adv.
    auswärts adv.

    English-german dictionary > out

  • 3 follow up

    transitive verb
    1) (add further action etc. to) ausbauen [Erfolg, Sieg]
    2) (investigate further) nachgehen (+ Dat.) [Hinweis]
    3) (consider further) berücksichtigen [Bitte, Angebot]
    * * *
    1) (to go further in doing something: The police are following up a clue.) (weiter) verfolgen
    2) (to find out more about (something): I followed up the news.) verfolgen
    * * *
    I. vt
    to \follow up up ⇆ sth etw weiterverfolgen
    to \follow up up a rumour einem Gerücht nachgehen
    2. (do next)
    to \follow up up ⇆ sth by [or with] sth etw dat etw folgen lassen
    his first single was \follow uped up by three more top ten hits seiner ersten Single folgten drei weitere Top-Ten-Hits
    3. MED
    to \follow up up sb jdn nachuntersuchen
    II. vi
    to \follow up up with sth etw folgen lassen
    * * *
    1. vt sep
    1) (= pursue, take further action on) request nachgehen (+dat); offer, suggestion nachgehen (+dat), aufgreifen
    2) (= investigate further) sich näher beschäftigen or befassen mit; suspect Erkundigungen einziehen über (+acc); candidate in die engere Wahl nehmen; matter weiterverfolgen, sich näher befassen mit; rumour nachgehen (+dat); patient nachuntersuchen; (= not lose track of) matter im Auge behalten
    3) (= reinforce) success, victory fortsetzen, ausbauen

    he followed up the remark by punching himer versetzte ihm zur Bekräftigung einen Schlag

    4) (= get further benefit from) advantage ausnutzen
    2. vi
    2) (SPORT) nachziehen
    * * *
    A v/t
    1. (beharrlich) verfolgen
    2. a) einer Sache nachgehen
    b) eine Sache weiterverfolgen
    3. einen Vorteil etc ausnutzen
    4. follow up a letter with a visit auf einen Brief einen Besuch folgen lassen
    B v/i
    1. MIL nachstoßen, -drängen
    2. fig nachstoßen ( with mit)
    3. WIRTSCH (in der Werbung) nachfassen
    4. follow up on A 2
    * * *
    transitive verb
    1) (add further action etc. to) ausbauen [Erfolg, Sieg]
    2) (investigate further) nachgehen (+ Dat.) [Hinweis]
    3) (consider further) berücksichtigen [Bitte, Angebot]
    * * *
    verfolgen v.

    English-german dictionary > follow up

  • 4 Fairlie, Robert Francis

    b. March 1831 Scotland
    d. 31 July 1885 Clapham, London, England
    British engineer, designer of the double-bogie locomotive, advocate of narrow-gauge railways.
    Fairlie worked on railways in Ireland and India, and established himself as a consulting engineer in London by the early 1860s. In 1864 he patented his design of locomotive: it was to be carried on two bogies and had a double boiler, the barrels extending in each direction from a central firebox. From smokeboxes at the outer ends, return tubes led to a single central chimney. At that time in British practice, locomotives of ever-increasing size were being carried on longer and longer rigid wheelbases, but often only one or two of their three or four pairs of wheels were powered. Bogies were little used and then only for carrying-wheels rather than driving-wheels: since their pivots were given no sideplay, they were of little value. Fairlie's design offered a powerful locomotive with a wheelbase which though long would be flexible; it would ride well and have all wheels driven and available for adhesion.
    The first five double Fairlie locomotives were built by James Cross \& Co. of St Helens during 1865–7. None was particularly successful: the single central chimney of the original design had been replaced by two chimneys, one at each end of the locomotive, but the single central firebox was retained, so that exhaust up one chimney tended to draw cold air down the other. In 1870 the next double Fairlie, Little Wonder, was built for the Festiniog Railway, on which C.E. Spooner was pioneering steam trains of very narrow gauge. The order had gone to George England, but the locomotive was completed by his successor in business, the Fairlie Engine \& Steam Carriage Company, in which Fairlie and George England's son were the principal partners. Little Wonder was given two inner fireboxes separated by a water space and proved outstandingly successful. The spectacle of this locomotive hauling immensely long trains up grade, through the Festiniog Railway's sinuous curves, was demonstrated before engineers from many parts of the world and had lasting effect. Fairlie himself became a great protagonist of narrow-gauge railways and influenced their construction in many countries.
    Towards the end of the 1860s, Fairlie was designing steam carriages or, as they would now be called, railcars, but only one was built before the death of George England Jr precipitated closure of the works in 1870. Fairlie's business became a design agency and his patent locomotives were built in large numbers under licence by many noted locomotive builders, for narrow, standard and broad gauges. Few operated in Britain, but many did in other lands; they were particularly successful in Mexico and Russia.
    Many Fairlie locomotives were fitted with the radial valve gear invented by Egide Walschaert; Fairlie's role in the universal adoption of this valve gear was instrumental, for he introduced it to Britain in 1877 and fitted it to locomotives for New Zealand, whence it eventually spread worldwide. Earlier, in 1869, the Great Southern \& Western Railway of Ireland had built in its works the first "single Fairlie", a 0–4–4 tank engine carried on two bogies but with only one of them powered. This type, too, became popular during the last part of the nineteenth century. In the USA it was built in quantity by William Mason of Mason Machine Works, Taunton, Massachusetts, in preference to the double-ended type.
    Double Fairlies may still be seen in operation on the Festiniog Railway; some of Fairlie's ideas were far ahead of their time, and modern diesel and electric locomotives are of the powered-bogie, double-ended type.
    1864, British patent no. 1,210 (Fairlie's master patent).
    1864, Locomotive Engines, What They Are and What They Ought to Be, London; reprinted 1969, Portmadoc: Festiniog Railway Co. (promoting his ideas for locomotives).
    1865, British patent no. 3,185 (single Fairlie).
    1867. British patent no. 3,221 (combined locomotive/carriage).
    1868. "Railways and their Management", Journal of the Society of Arts: 328. 1871. "On the Gauge for Railways of the Future", abstract in Report of the Fortieth
    Meeting of the British Association in 1870: 215. 1872. British patent no. 2,387 (taper boiler).
    1872, Railways or No Railways. "Narrow Gauge, Economy with Efficiency; or Broad Gauge, Costliness with Extravagance", London: Effingham Wilson; repr. 1990s Canton, Ohio: Railhead Publications (promoting the cause for narrow-gauge railways).
    Further Reading
    Fairlie and his patent locomotives are well described in: P.C.Dewhurst, 1962, "The Fairlie locomotive", Part 1, Transactions of the Newcomen Society 34; 1966, Part 2, Transactions 39.
    R.A.S.Abbott, 1970, The Fairlie Locomotive, Newton Abbot: David \& Charles.

    Biographical history of technology > Fairlie, Robert Francis

  • 5 Salazar, Antônio de Oliveira

       The Coimbra University professor of finance and economics and one of the founders of the Estado Novo, who came to dominate Western Europe's longest surviving authoritarian system. Salazar was born on 28 April 1889, in Vimieiro, Beira Alta province, the son of a peasant estate manager and a shopkeeper. Most of his first 39 years were spent as a student, and later as a teacher in a secondary school and a professor at Coimbra University's law school. Nine formative years were spent at Viseu's Catholic Seminary (1900-09), preparing for the Catholic priesthood, but the serious, studious Salazar decided to enter Coimbra University instead in 1910, the year the Braganza monarchy was overthrown and replaced by the First Republic. Salazar received some of the highest marks of his generation of students and, in 1918, was awarded a doctoral degree in finance and economics. Pleading inexperience, Salazar rejected an invitation in August 1918 to become finance minister in the "New Republic" government of President Sidónio Pais.
       As a celebrated academic who was deeply involved in Coimbra University politics, publishing works on the troubled finances of the besieged First Republic, and a leader of Catholic organizations, Sala-zar was not as modest, reclusive, or unknown as later official propaganda led the public to believe. In 1921, as a Catholic deputy, he briefly served in the First Republic's turbulent congress (parliament) but resigned shortly after witnessing but one stormy session. Salazar taught at Coimbra University as of 1916, and continued teaching until April 1928. When the military overthrew the First Republic in May 1926, Salazar was offered the Ministry of Finance and held office for several days. The ascetic academic, however, resigned his post when he discovered the degree of disorder in Lisbon's government and when his demands for budget authority were rejected.
       As the military dictatorship failed to reform finances in the following years, Salazar was reinvited to become minister of finances in April 1928. Since his conditions for acceptance—authority over all budget expenditures, among other powers—were accepted, Salazar entered the government. Using the Ministry of Finance as a power base, following several years of successful financial reforms, Salazar was named interim minister of colonies (1930) and soon garnered sufficient prestige and authority to become head of the entire government. In July 1932, Salazar was named prime minister, the first civilian to hold that post since the 1926 military coup.
       Salazar gathered around him a team of largely academic experts in the cabinet during the period 1930-33. His government featured several key policies: Portuguese nationalism, colonialism (rebuilding an empire in shambles), Catholicism, and conservative fiscal management. Salazar's government came to be called the Estado Novo. It went through three basic phases during Salazar's long tenure in office, and Salazar's role underwent changes as well. In the early years (1928-44), Salazar and the Estado Novo enjoyed greater vigor and popularity than later. During the middle years (1944—58), the regime's popularity waned, methods of repression increased and hardened, and Salazar grew more dogmatic in his policies and ways. During the late years (1958-68), the regime experienced its most serious colonial problems, ruling circles—including Salazar—aged and increasingly failed, and opposition burgeoned and grew bolder.
       Salazar's plans for stabilizing the economy and strengthening social and financial programs were shaken with the impact of the civil war (1936-39) in neighboring Spain. Salazar strongly supported General Francisco Franco's Nationalist rebels, the eventual victors in the war. But, as the civil war ended and World War II began in September 1939, Salazar's domestic plans had to be adjusted. As Salazar came to monopolize Lisbon's power and authority—indeed to embody the Estado Novo itself—during crises that threatened the future of the regime, he assumed ever more key cabinet posts. At various times between 1936 and 1944, he took over the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and of War (Defense), until the crises passed. At the end of the exhausting period of World War II, there were rumors that the former professor would resign from government and return to Coimbra University, but Salazar continued as the increasingly isolated, dominating "recluse of São Bento," that part of the parliament's buildings housing the prime minister's offices and residence.
       Salazar dominated the Estado Novo's government in several ways: in day-to-day governance, although this diminished as he delegated wider powers to others after 1944, and in long-range policy decisions, as well as in the spirit and image of the system. He also launched and dominated the single party, the União Nacional. A lifelong bachelor who had once stated that he could not leave for Lisbon because he had to care for his aged mother, Salazar never married, but lived with a beloved housekeeper from his Coimbra years and two adopted daughters. During his 36-year tenure as prime minister, Salazar engineered the important cabinet reshuffles that reflect the history of the Estado Novo and of Portugal.
       A number of times, in connection with significant events, Salazar decided on important cabinet officer changes: 11 April 1933 (the adoption of the Estado Novo's new 1933 Constitution); 18 January 1936 (the approach of civil war in Spain and the growing threat of international intervention in Iberian affairs during the unstable Second Spanish Republic of 1931-36); 4 September 1944 (the Allied invasion of Europe at Normandy and the increasing likelihood of a defeat of the Fascists by the Allies, which included the Soviet Union); 14 August 1958 (increased domestic dissent and opposition following the May-June 1958 presidential elections in which oppositionist and former regime stalwart-loyalist General Humberto Delgado garnered at least 25 percent of the national vote, but lost to regime candidate, Admiral Américo Tomás); 13 April 1961 (following the shock of anticolonial African insurgency in Portugal's colony of Angola in January-February 1961, the oppositionist hijacking of a Portuguese ocean liner off South America by Henrique Galvão, and an abortive military coup that failed to oust Salazar from office); and 19 August 1968 (the aging of key leaders in the government, including the now gravely ill Salazar, and the defection of key younger followers).
       In response to the 1961 crisis in Africa and to threats to Portuguese India from the Indian government, Salazar assumed the post of minister of defense (April 1961-December 1962). The failing leader, whose true state of health was kept from the public for as long as possible, appointed a group of younger cabinet officers in the 1960s, but no likely successors were groomed to take his place. Two of the older generation, Teotónio Pereira, who was in bad health, and Marcello Caetano, who preferred to remain at the University of Lisbon or in private law practice, remained in the political wilderness.
       As the colonial wars in three African territories grew more costly, Salazar became more isolated from reality. On 3 August 1968, while resting at his summer residence, the Fortress of São João do Estoril outside Lisbon, a deck chair collapsed beneath Salazar and his head struck the hard floor. Some weeks later, as a result, Salazar was incapacitated by a stroke and cerebral hemorrhage, was hospitalized, and became an invalid. While hesitating to fill the power vacuum that had unexpectedly appeared, President Tomás finally replaced Salazar as prime minister on 27 September 1968, with his former protégé and colleague, Marcello Caetano. Salazar was not informed that he no longer headed the government, but he never recovered his health. On 27 July 1970, Salazar died in Lisbon and was buried at Santa Comba Dão, Vimieiro, his village and place of birth.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Salazar, Antônio de Oliveira

  • 6 Gresley, Sir Herbert Nigel

    b. 19 June 1876 Edinburgh, Scotland
    d. 5 April 1941 Hertford, England
    English mechanical engineer, designer of the A4-class 4–6–2 locomotive holding the world speed record for steam traction.
    Gresley was the son of the Rector of Netherseale, Derbyshire; he was educated at Marlborough and by the age of 13 was skilled at making sketches of locomotives. In 1893 he became a pupil of F.W. Webb at Crewe works, London \& North Western Railway, and in 1898 he moved to Horwich works, Lancashire \& Yorkshire Railway, to gain drawing-office experience under J.A.F.Aspinall, subsequently becoming Foreman of the locomotive running sheds at Blackpool. In 1900 he transferred to the carriage and wagon department, and in 1904 he had risen to become its Assistant Superintendent. In 1905 he moved to the Great Northern Railway, becoming Superintendent of its carriage and wagon department at Doncaster under H.A. Ivatt. In 1906 he designed and produced a bogie luggage van with steel underframe, teak body, elliptical roof, bowed ends and buckeye couplings: this became the prototype for East Coast main-line coaches built over the next thirty-five years. In 1911 Gresley succeeded Ivatt as Locomotive, Carriage \& Wagon Superintendent. His first locomotive was a mixed-traffic 2–6–0, his next a 2–8–0 for freight. From 1915 he worked on the design of a 4–6–2 locomotive for express passenger traffic: as with Ivatt's 4 4 2s, the trailing axle would allow the wide firebox needed for Yorkshire coal. He also devised a means by which two sets of valve gear could operate the valves on a three-cylinder locomotive and applied it for the first time on a 2–8–0 built in 1918. The system was complex, but a later simplified form was used on all subsequent Gresley three-cylinder locomotives, including his first 4–6–2 which appeared in 1922. In 1921, Gresley introduced the first British restaurant car with electric cooking facilities.
    With the grouping of 1923, the Great Northern Railway was absorbed into the London \& North Eastern Railway and Gresley was appointed Chief Mechanical Engineer. More 4–6– 2s were built, the first British class of such wheel arrangement. Modifications to their valve gear, along lines developed by G.J. Churchward, reduced their coal consumption sufficiently to enable them to run non-stop between London and Edinburgh. So that enginemen might change over en route, some of the locomotives were equipped with corridor tenders from 1928. The design was steadily improved in detail, and by comparison an experimental 4–6–4 with a watertube boiler that Gresley produced in 1929 showed no overall benefit. A successful high-powered 2–8–2 was built in 1934, following the introduction of third-class sleeping cars, to haul 500-ton passenger trains between Edinburgh and Aberdeen.
    In 1932 the need to meet increasing road competition had resulted in the end of a long-standing agreement between East Coast and West Coast railways, that train journeys between London and Edinburgh by either route should be scheduled to take 8 1/4 hours. Seeking to accelerate train services, Gresley studied high-speed, diesel-electric railcars in Germany and petrol-electric railcars in France. He considered them for the London \& North Eastern Railway, but a test run by a train hauled by one of his 4–6–2s in 1934, which reached 108 mph (174 km/h), suggested that a steam train could better the railcar proposals while its accommodation would be more comfortable. To celebrate the Silver Jubilee of King George V, a high-speed, streamlined train between London and Newcastle upon Tyne was proposed, the first such train in Britain. An improved 4–6–2, the A4 class, was designed with modifications to ensure free running and an ample reserve of power up hill. Its streamlined outline included a wedge-shaped front which reduced wind resistance and helped to lift the exhaust dear of the cab windows at speed. The first locomotive of the class, named Silver Link, ran at an average speed of 100 mph (161 km/h) for 43 miles (69 km), with a maximum speed of 112 1/2 mph (181 km/h), on a seven-coach test train on 27 September 1935: the locomotive went into service hauling the Silver Jubilee express single-handed (since others of the class had still to be completed) for the first three weeks, a round trip of 536 miles (863 km) daily, much of it at 90 mph (145 km/h), without any mechanical troubles at all. Coaches for the Silver Jubilee had teak-framed, steel-panelled bodies on all-steel, welded underframes; windows were double glazed; and there was a pressure ventilation/heating system. Comparable trains were introduced between London Kings Cross and Edinburgh in 1937 and to Leeds in 1938.
    Gresley did not hesitate to incorporate outstanding features from elsewhere into his locomotive designs and was well aware of the work of André Chapelon in France. Four A4s built in 1938 were equipped with Kylchap twin blast-pipes and double chimneys to improve performance still further. The first of these to be completed, no. 4468, Mallard, on 3 July 1938 ran a test train at over 120 mph (193 km/h) for 2 miles (3.2 km) and momentarily achieved 126 mph (203 km/h), the world speed record for steam traction. J.Duddington was the driver and T.Bray the fireman. The use of high-speed trains came to an end with the Second World War. The A4s were then demonstrated to be powerful as well as fast: one was noted hauling a 730-ton, 22-coach train at an average speed exceeding 75 mph (120 km/h) over 30 miles (48 km). The war also halted electrification of the Manchester-Sheffield line, on the 1,500 volt DC overhead system; however, anticipating eventual resumption, Gresley had a prototype main-line Bo-Bo electric locomotive built in 1941. Sadly, Gresley died from a heart attack while still in office.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Knighted 1936. President, Institution of Locomotive Engineers 1927 and 1934. President, Institution of Mechanical Engineers 1936.
    Further Reading
    F.A.S.Brown, 1961, Nigel Gresley, Locomotive Engineer, Ian Allan (full-length biography).
    John Bellwood and David Jenkinson, Gresley and Stanier. A Centenary Tribute (a good comparative account).

    Biographical history of technology > Gresley, Sir Herbert Nigel

  • 7 Trevithick, Richard

    b. 13 April 1771 Illogan, Cornwall, England
    d. 22 April 1833 Dartford, Kent, England
    English engineer, pioneer of non-condensing steam-engines; designed and built the first locomotives.
    Trevithick's father was a tin-mine manager, and Trevithick himself, after limited formal education, developed his immense engineering talent among local mining machinery and steam-engines and found employment as a mining engineer. Tall, strong and high-spirited, he was the eternal optimist.
    About 1797 it occurred to him that the separate condenser patent of James Watt could be avoided by employing "strong steam", that is steam at pressures substantially greater than atmospheric, to drive steam-engines: after use, steam could be exhausted to the atmosphere and the condenser eliminated. His first winding engine on this principle came into use in 1799, and subsequently such engines were widely used. To produce high-pressure steam, a stronger boiler was needed than the boilers then in use, in which the pressure vessel was mounted upon masonry above the fire: Trevithick designed the cylindrical boiler, with furnace tube within, from which the Cornish and later the Lancashire boilers evolved.
    Simultaneously he realized that high-pressure steam enabled a compact steam-engine/boiler unit to be built: typically, the Trevithick engine comprised a cylindrical boiler with return firetube, and a cylinder recessed into the boiler. No beam intervened between connecting rod and crank. A master patent was taken out.
    Such an engine was well suited to driving vehicles. Trevithick built his first steam-carriage in 1801, but after a few days' use it overturned on a rough Cornish road and was damaged beyond repair by fire. Nevertheless, it had been the first self-propelled vehicle successfully to carry passengers. His second steam-carriage was driven about the streets of London in 1803, even more successfully; however, it aroused no commercial interest. Meanwhile the Coalbrookdale Company had started to build a locomotive incorporating a Trevithick engine for its tramroads, though little is known of the outcome; however, Samuel Homfray's ironworks at Penydarren, South Wales, was already building engines to Trevithick's design, and in 1804 Trevithick built one there as a locomotive for the Penydarren Tramroad. In this, and in the London steam-carriage, exhaust steam was turned up the chimney to draw the fire. On 21 February the locomotive hauled five wagons with 10 tons of iron and seventy men for 9 miles (14 km): it was the first successful railway locomotive.
    Again, there was no commercial interest, although Trevithick now had nearly fifty stationary engines completed or being built to his design under licence. He experimented with one to power a barge on the Severn and used one to power a dredger on the Thames. He became Engineer to a project to drive a tunnel beneath the Thames at Rotherhithe and was only narrowly defeated, by quicksands. Trevithick then set up, in 1808, a circular tramroad track in London and upon it demonstrated to the admission-fee-paying public the locomotive Catch me who can, built to his design by John Hazledine and J.U. Rastrick.
    In 1809, by which date Trevithick had sold all his interest in the steam-engine patent, he and Robert Dickinson, in partnership, obtained a patent for iron tanks to hold liquid cargo in ships, replacing the wooden casks then used, and started to manufacture them. In 1810, however, he was taken seriously ill with typhus for six months and had to return to Cornwall, and early in 1811 the partners were bankrupt; Trevithick was discharged from bankruptcy only in 1814.
    In the meantime he continued as a steam engineer and produced a single-acting steam engine in which the cut-off could be varied to work the engine expansively by way of a three-way cock actuated by a cam. Then, in 1813, Trevithick was approached by a representative of a company set up to drain the rich but flooded silver-mines at Cerro de Pasco, Peru, at an altitude of 14,000 ft (4,300 m). Low-pressure steam engines, dependent largely upon atmospheric pressure, would not work at such an altitude, but Trevithick's high-pressure engines would. Nine engines and much other mining plant were built by Hazledine and Rastrick and despatched to Peru in 1814, and Trevithick himself followed two years later. However, the war of independence was taking place in Peru, then a Spanish colony, and no sooner had Trevithick, after immense difficulties, put everything in order at the mines then rebels arrived and broke up the machinery, for they saw the mines as a source of supply for the Spanish forces. It was only after innumerable further adventures, during which he encountered and was assisted financially by Robert Stephenson, that Trevithick eventually arrived home in Cornwall in 1827, penniless.
    He petitioned Parliament for a grant in recognition of his improvements to steam-engines and boilers, without success. He was as inventive as ever though: he proposed a hydraulic power transmission system; he was consulted over steam engines for land drainage in Holland; and he suggested a 1,000 ft (305 m) high tower of gilded cast iron to commemorate the Reform Act of 1832. While working on steam propulsion of ships in 1833, he caught pneumonia, from which he died.
    Trevithick took out fourteen patents, solely or in partnership, of which the most important are: 1802, Construction of Steam Engines, British patent no. 2,599. 1808, Stowing Ships' Cargoes, British patent no. 3,172.
    Further Reading
    H.W.Dickinson and A.Titley, 1934, Richard Trevithick. The Engineer and the Man, Cambridge; F.Trevithick, 1872, Life of Richard Trevithick, London (these two are the principal biographies).
    E.A.Forward, 1952, "Links in the history of the locomotive", The Engineer (22 February), 226 (considers the case for the Coalbrookdale locomotive of 1802).

    Biographical history of technology > Trevithick, Richard

  • 8 Telford, Thomas

    SUBJECT AREA: Canals, Civil engineering
    b. 9 August 1757 Glendinning, Dumfriesshire, Scotland
    d. 2 September 1834 London, England.
    Scottish civil engineer.
    Telford was the son of a shepherd, who died when the boy was in his first year. Brought up by his mother, Janet Jackson, he attended the parish school at Westerkirk. He was apprenticed to a stonemason in Lochmaben and to another in Langholm. In 1780 he walked from Eskdale to Edinburgh and in 1872 rode to London on a horse that he was to deliver there. He worked for Sir William Chambers as a mason on Somerset House, then on the Eskdale house of Sir James Johnstone. In 1783–4 he worked on the new Commissioner's House and other buildings at Portsmouth dockyard.
    In late 1786 Telford was appointed County Surveyor for Shropshire and moved to Shrewsbury Castle, with work initially on the new infirmary and County Gaol. He designed the church of St Mary Magdalene, Bridgnorth, and also the church at Madley. Telford built his first bridge in 1790–2 at Montford; between 1790 and 1796 he built forty-five road bridges in Shropshire, including Buildwas Bridge. In September 1793 he was appointed general agent, engineer and architect to the Ellesmere Canal, which was to connect the Mersey and Dee rivers with the Severn at Shrewsbury; William Jessop was Principal Engineer. This work included the Pont Cysyllte aqueduct, a 1,000 ft (305 m) long cast-iron trough 127 ft (39 m) above ground level, which entailed an on-site ironworks and took ten years to complete; the aqueduct is still in use today. In 1800 Telford put forward a plan for a new London Bridge with a single cast-iron arch with a span of 600 ft (183 m) but this was not built.
    In 1801 Telford was appointed engineer to the British Fisheries Society "to report on Highland Communications" in Scotland where, over the following eighteen years, 920 miles (1,480 km) of new roads were built, 280 miles (450 km) of the old military roads were realigned and rebuilt, over 1,000 bridges were constructed and much harbour work done, all under Telford's direction. A further 180 miles (290 km) of new roads were also constructed in the Lowlands of Scotland. From 1804 to 1822 he was also engaged on the construction of the Caledonian Canal: 119 miles (191 km) in all, 58 miles (93 km) being sea loch, 38 miles (61 km) being Lochs Lochy, Oich and Ness, 23 miles (37 km) having to be cut.
    In 1808 he was invited by King Gustav IV Adolf of Sweden to assist Count Baltzar von Platen in the survey and construction of a canal between the North Sea and the Baltic. Telford surveyed the 114 mile (183 km) route in six weeks; 53 miles (85 km) of new canal were to be cut. Soon after the plans for the canal were completed, the King of Sweden created him a Knight of the Order of Vasa, an honour that he would have liked to have declined. At one time some 60,000 soldiers and seamen were engaged on the work, Telford supplying supervisors, machinery—including an 8 hp steam dredger from the Donkin works and machinery for two small paddle boats—and ironwork for some of the locks. Under his direction an ironworks was set up at Motala, the foundation of an important Swedish industrial concern which is still flourishing today. The Gotha Canal was opened in September 1832.
    In 1811 Telford was asked to make recommendations for the improvement of the Shrewsbury to Holyhead section of the London-Holyhead road, and in 1815 he was asked to survey the whole route from London for a Parliamentary Committee. Construction of his new road took fifteen years, apart from the bridges at Conway and over the Menai Straits, both suspension bridges by Telford and opened in 1826. The Menai bridge had a span of 579 ft (176 m), the roadway being 153 ft (47 m) above the water level.
    In 1817 Telford was appointed Engineer to the Exchequer Loan Commission, a body set up to make capital loans for deserving projects in the hard times that followed after the peace of Waterloo. In 1820 he became the first President of the Engineers Institute, which gained its Royal Charter in 1828 to become the Institution of Civil Engineers. He was appointed Engineer to the St Katharine's Dock Company during its construction from 1825 to 1828, and was consulted on several early railway projects including the Liverpool and Manchester as well as a number of canal works in the Midlands including the new Harecastle tunnel, 3,000 ft (914 m) long.
    Telford led a largely itinerant life, living in hotels and lodgings, acquiring his own house for the first time in 1821, 24 Abingdon Street, Westminster, which was partly used as a school for young civil engineers. He died there in 1834, after suffering in his later years from the isolation of deafness. He was buried in Westminster Abbey.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    FRSE 1803. Knight of the Order of Vasa, Sweden 1808. FRS 1827. First President, Engineers Insitute 1820.
    Further Reading
    L.T.C.Rolt, 1979, Thomas Telford, London: Penguin.
    C.Hadfield, 1993, Thomas Telford's Temptation, London: M. \& M.Baldwin.

    Biographical history of technology > Telford, Thomas

  • 9 Camm, Sir Sydney

    b. 5 August 1893 Windsor, Berkshire, England
    d. 12 March 1966 Richmond, Surrey, England
    English military aircraft designer.
    He was the eldest of twelve children and his father was a journeyman carpenter, in whose footsteps Camm followed as an apprentice woodworker. He developed an early interest in aircraft, becoming a keen model maker in his early teens and taking a major role in founding a local society to this end, and in 1912 he designed and built a glider able to carry people. During the First World War he worked as a draughtsman for the aircraft firm Martinsyde, but became increasingly involved in design matters as the war progressed. In 1923 Camm was recruited by Sopwith to join his Hawker Engineering Company as Senior Draughtsman, but within two years had risen to be Chief Designer. His first important contribution was to develop a method of producing metal aircraft, using welded steel tubes, and in 1926 he designed his first significant aircraft, the Hawker Horsley torpedo-bomber, which briefly held the world long-distance record before it was snatched by Charles Lindbergh in his epic New York-Paris flight in 1927. His Hawker Hart light bomber followed in 1928, after which came his Hawker Fury fighter.
    By the mid-1930s Camm's reputation as a designer was such that he was able to wield significant influence on the Air Ministry when Royal Air Force (RAF) aircraft specifications were being drawn up. His outstanding contribution came, however, with the unveiling of his Hawker Hurricane in 1935. This single-seater fighter was to prove one of the backbones of the RAF during 1939–45, but during the war he also designed two other excellent fighters: the Tempest and the Typhoon. After the Second World War Camm turned to jet aircraft, producing in 1951 the Hawker Hunter fighter/ground-attack aircraft, which saw lengthy service in the RAF and many other air forces. His most revolutionary contribution was the design of the Harrier jump-jet, beginning with the P.1127 prototype in 1961, followed by the Kestrel three years later. These were private ventures, but eventually the Government saw the enormous merit in the vertical take-off and landing concept, and the Harrier came to fruition in 1967. Sadly Camm, who was on the Board of Sopwith Hawker Siddeley Group, died before the aircraft came into service. He is permanently commemorated in the Camm Memorial Hall at the RAF Museum, Hendon, London.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    CBE 1941. Knighted 1953. Associate Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society 1918, Fellow 1932, President 1954–5, Gold Medal 1958. Daniel Guggenheim Medal (USA) 1965.
    Further Reading
    Alan Bramson, 1990, Pure Luck: The Authorized Biography of Sir Thomas Sopwith, 1888–1989, Wellingborough: Patrick Stephens (provides information about Camm and his association with Sopwith).
    Dictionary of National Biography, 1961–70.

    Biographical history of technology > Camm, Sir Sydney

  • 10 Lanchester, Frederick William

    b. 28 October 1868 Lewisham, London, England
    d. 8 March 1946 Birmingham, England
    English designer and builder of the first all-British motor car.
    The fourth of eight children of an architect, he spent his childhood in Hove and attended a private preparatory school, from where, aged 14, he went to the Hartley Institution (the forerunner of Southampton University). He was then granted a scholarship to the Royal College of Science, South Kensington, and also studied practical engineering at Finsbury Technical College, London. He worked first for a draughtsman and pseudo-patent agent, and was then appointed Assistant Works Manager of the Forward Gas Engine Company of Birmingham, with sixty men and a salary of £1 per week. He was then aged 21. His younger brother, George, was apprenticed to the same company. In 1889 and 1890 he invented a pendulum governor and an engine starter which earned him royalties. He built a flat-bottomed river craft with a stern paddle-wheel and a vertical single-cylinder engine with a wick carburettor of his own design. From 1892 he performed a number of garden experiments on model gliders relating to problems of lift and drag, which led him to postulate vortices from the wingtips trailing behind, much of his work lying behind the theory of modern aerodynamics. The need to develop a light engine for aircraft led him to car design.
    In February 1896 his first experimental car took the road. It had a torsionally rigid chassis, a perfectly balanced and almost noiseless engine, dynamically stable steering, epicyclic gear for low speed and reverse with direct drive for high speed. It turned out to be underpowered and was therefore redesigned. Two years later an 8 hp, two-cylinder flat twin appeared which retained the principle of balancing by reverse rotation, had new Lanchester valve-gear and a new method of ignition based on a magneto generator. For the first time a worm and wheel replaced chain-drive or bevel-gear transmission. Lanchester also designed the machinery to make it. The car was capable of about 18 mph (29 km/h): future cars of his travelled at twice that speed. From 1899 to 1904 cars were produced for sale by the Lanchester Engine Company, which was formed in 1898. The company had to make every component except the tyres. Lanchester gave up the managership but remained as Chief Designer, and he remained in this post until 1914.
    In 1907–8 his two-volume treatise Aerial Flight was published; it included consideration of skin friction, boundary-layer theory and the theory of stability. In 1909 he was appointed to the Government's Committee for Aeronautics and also became a consultant to the Daimler Company. At the age of 51 he married Dorothea Cooper. He remained a consultant to Daimler and worked also for Wolseley and Beardmore until 1929 when he started Lanchester Laboratories, working on sound reproduction. He also wrote books on relativity and on the theory of dimensions.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    bht=1907–8, Aerial Flight, 2 vols.
    Further Reading
    P.W.Kingsford, 1966, F.W.Lanchester, Automobile Engineer.
    E.G.Semler (ed.), 1966, The Great Masters. Engineering Heritage, Vol. II, London: Institution of Mechanical Engineers/Heinemann.

    Biographical history of technology > Lanchester, Frederick William

  • 11 Seguin, Marc

    b. 20 April 1786 Annonay, Ardèche, France
    d. 24 February 1875 Annonay, Ardèche, France
    French engineer, inventor of multi-tubular firetube boiler.
    Seguin trained under Joseph Montgolfier, one of the inventors of the hot-air balloon, and became a pioneer of suspension bridges. In 1825 he was involved in an attempt to introduce steam navigation to the River Rhône using a tug fitted with a winding drum to wind itself upstream along a cable attached to a point on the bank, with a separate boat to transfer the cable from point to point. The attempt proved unsuccessful and was short-lived, but in 1825 Seguin had decided also to seek a government concession for a railway from Saint-Etienne to Lyons as a feeder of traffic to the river. He inspected the Stockton \& Darlington Railway and met George Stephenson; the concession was granted in 1826 to Seguin Frères \& Ed. Biot and two steam locomotives were built to their order by Robert Stephenson \& Co. The locomotives were shipped to France in the spring of 1828 for evaluation prior to construction of others there; each had two vertical cylinders, one each side between front and rear wheels, and a boiler with a single large-diameter furnace tube, with a watertube grate. Meanwhile, in 1827 Seguin, who was still attempting to produce a steamboat powerful enough to navigate the fast-flowing Rhône, had conceived the idea of increasing the heating surface of a boiler by causing the hot gases from combustion to pass through a series of tubes immersed in the water. He was soon considering application of this type of boiler to a locomotive. He applied for a patent for a multi-tubular boiler on 12 December 1827 and carried out numerous experiments with various means of producing a forced draught to overcome the perceived obstruction caused by the small tubes. By May 1829 the steam-navigation venture had collapsed, but Seguin had a locomotive under construction in the workshops of the Lyons-Sain t- Etienne Railway: he retained the cylinder layout of its Stephenson locomotives, but incorporated a boiler of his own design. The fire was beneath the barrel, surrounded by a water-jacket: a single large flue ran towards the front of the boiler, whence hot gases returned via many small tubes through the boiler barrel to a chimney above the firedoor. Draught was provided by axle-driven fans on the tender.
    Seguin was not aware of the contemporary construction of Rocket, with a multi-tubular boiler, by Robert Stephenson; Rocket had its first trial run on 5 September 1829, but the precise date on which Seguin's locomotive first ran appears to be unknown, although by 20 October many experiments had been carried out upon it. Seguin's concept of a multi-tubular locomotive boiler therefore considerably antedated that of Henry Booth, and his first locomotive was completed about the same date as Rocket. It was from Rocket's boiler, however, rather than from that of Seguin's locomotive, that the conventional locomotive boiler was descended.
    February 1828, French patent no. 3,744 (multi-tubular boiler).
    1839, De l'Influence des chemins de fer et de l'art de les tracer et de les construire, Paris.
    Further Reading
    F.Achard and L.Seguin, 1928, "Marc Seguin and the invention of the tubular boiler", Transactions of the Newcomen Society 7 (traces the chronology of Seguin's boilers).
    ——1928, "British railways of 1825 as seen by Marc Seguin", Transactions of the Newcomen Society 7.
    J.B.Snell, 1964, Early Railways, London: Weidenfeld \& Nicolson.
    J.-M.Combe and B.Escudié, 1991, Vapeurs sur le Rhône, Lyons: Presses Universitaires de Lyon.

    Biographical history of technology > Seguin, Marc

  • 12 Sutton, Thomas

    b. 1819 England
    d. 1875 Jersey, Channel Islands
    English photographer and writer on photography.
    In 1841, while studying at Cambridge, Sutton became interested in photography and tried out the current processes, daguerreotype, calotype and cyanotype among them. He subsequently settled in Jersey, where he continued his photographic studies. In 1855 he opened a photographic printing works in Jersey, in partnership with L.-D. Blanquart- Evrard, exploiting the latter's process for producing developed positive prints. He started and edited one of the first photographic periodicals, Photographic Notes, in 1856; until its cessation in 1867, his journal presented a fresher view of the world of photography than that given by its London-based rivals. He also drew up the first dictionary of photography in 1858.
    In 1859 Sutton designed and patented a wideangle lens in which the space between two meniscus lenses, forming parts of a sphere and sealed in a metal rim, was filled with water; the lens so formed could cover an angle of up to 120 degrees at an aperture of f12. Sutton's design was inspired by observing the images produced by the water-filled sphere of a "snowstorm" souvenir brought home from Paris! Sutton commissioned the London camera-maker Frederick Cox to make the Panoramic camera, demonstrating the first model in January 1860; it took panoramic pictures on curved glass plates 152×381 mm in size. Cox later advertised other models in a total of four sizes. In January 1861 Sutton handed over manufacture to Andrew Ross's son Thomas Ross, who produced much-improved lenses and also cameras in three sizes. Sutton then developed the first single-lens reflex camera design, patenting it on 20 August 1961: a pivoted mirror, placed at 45 degrees inside the camera, reflected the image from the lens onto a ground glass-screen set in the top of the camera for framing and focusing. When ready, the mirror was swung up out of the way to allow light to reach the plate at the back of the camera. The design was manufactured for a few years by Thomas Ross and J.H. Dallmeyer.
    In 1861 James Clerk Maxwell asked Sutton to prepare a series of photographs for use in his lecture "On the theory of three primary colours", to be presented at the Royal Institution in London on 17 May 1861. Maxwell required three photographs to be taken through red, green and blue filters, which were to be printed as lantern slides and projected in superimposition through three projectors. If his theory was correct, a colour reproduction of the original subject would be produced. Sutton used liquid filters: ammoniacal copper sulphate for blue, copper chloride for the green and iron sulphocyanide for the red. A fourth exposure was made through lemon-yellow glass, but was not used in the final demonstration. A tartan ribbon in a bow was used as the subject; the wet-collodion process in current use required six seconds for the blue exposure, about twice what would have been needed without the filter. After twelve minutes no trace of image was produced through the green filter, which had to be diluted to a pale green: a twelve-minute exposure then produced a serviceable negative. Eight minutes was enough to record an image through the red filter, although since the process was sensitive only to blue light, nothing at all should have been recorded. In 1961, R.M.Evans of the Kodak Research Laboratory showed that the red liquid transmitted ultraviolet radiation, and by an extraordinary coincidence many natural red dye-stuffs reflect ultraviolet. Thus the red separation was made on the basis of non-visible radiation rather than red, but the net result was correct and the projected images did give an identifiable reproduction of the original. Sutton's photographs enabled Maxwell to establish the validity of his theory and to provide the basis upon which all subsequent methods of colour photography have been founded.
    JW / BC

    Biographical history of technology > Sutton, Thomas

  • 13 Wankel, Felix

    b. 13 August 1902 Lahr, Black Forest, Germany
    d. 9 October 1988 Lindau, Bavaria, Germany
    German internal combustion engineer, inventor of the Wankel rotary engine.
    Wankel was first employed at the German Aeronautical Research Establishment, where he worked on rotary valves and valve sealing techniques in the early 1930s and during the Second World War. In 1951 he joined NSU Motorenwerk AG, a motor manufacturer based at Neckarsulm, near Stuttgart, and began work on his rotary engine; the idea for this had first occurred to Wankel as early as 1929. He had completed his first design by 1954, and in 1957 his first prototype was tested. The Wankel engine has a three-pointed rotor, like a prism of an equilateral triangle but with the sides bowed outwards. This rotor is geared to a driveshaft and rotates within a closely fitting and slightly oval-shaped chamber so that, on each revolution, the power stroke is applied to each of the three faces of the rotor as they pass a single spark plug. Two or more rotors may be mounted coaxially, their power strokes being timed sequentially. The engine has only two moving parts, the rotor and the output shaft, making it about a quarter less in weight compared with a conventional piston engine; however, its fuel consumption is high and its exhaust emissions are relatively highly pollutant. The average Wankel engine speed is 5,500 rpm. The first production car to use a Wankel engine was the NSU Ro80, though this was preceded by the experimental NSU Spyder prototype, an open two-seater. The Japanese company Mazda is the only other automobile manufacturer to have fitted a Wankel engine to a production car, although licences were taken by Alfa Romeo, Peugeot- Citroën, Daimler-Benz, Rolls-Royce, Toyota, Volkswagen-Audi (the company that bought NSU in the mid-1970s) and many others; Daimler-Benz even produced a Mercedes C-111 prototype with a three-rotor Wankel engine. The American aircraft manufacturer Curtiss-Wright carried out research for a Wankel aero-engine which never went into production, but the Austrian company Rotax produced a motorcycle version of the Wankel engine which was fitted by the British motorcycle manufacturer Norton to a number of its models.
    While Wankel became director of his own research establishment at Lindau, on Lake Constance in southern Germany, Mazda continued to improve the rotary engine and by the time of Wankel's death the Mazda RX-7 coupé had become a successful, if not high-selling, Wankel -engined sports car.
    Further Reading
    N.Faith, 1975, Wankel: The Curious Story Behind the Revolutionary Rotary Engine, New York: Stein \& Day.

    Biographical history of technology > Wankel, Felix

  • 14 release

    I [rɪ'liːs]
    1) (liberation) rilascio m., liberazione f.
    2) fig. (relief) sollievo m., liberazione f.
    3) mil. (of missile) lancio m.; (of bomb) sganciamento m.
    4) tecn. (of mechanism) sgancio m.
    5) giorn. (announcement) comunicato m. (stampa)
    6) cinem. (making publicly available) distribuzione f.
    7) (film, video, record) novità f.
    8) (discharge form) congedo m.
    II [rɪ'liːs]
    1) (set free) rilasciare, mettere in libertà [hostage, prisoner]; liberare [accident victim, animal]
    2) fig.

    to release sb. from — sciogliere qcn. da [promise, obligation]

    3) tecn. sganciare [catch, clasp]; fot. aprire [ shutter]; aut. togliere [ handbrake]
    4) (shoot) scoccare [ arrow]; mil. sganciare [ bomb]; lanciare [ missile]
    5) (let go of) lasciare, mollare [object, hand]

    to release one's grip of sth. — lasciare qcs., allentare la presa su qcs

    6) giorn. diffondere, rendere pubblico [news, statement]; pubblicare [photo, picture]
    7) cinem. fare uscire, distribuire [ film]; mus. fare uscire, lanciare [video, record]
    * * *
    [rə'li:s] 1. verb
    1) (to set free; to allow to leave: He was released from prison yesterday; I am willing to release him from his promise to me.) liberare, rilasciare
    2) (to stop holding etc; to allow to move, fall etc: He released (his hold on) the rope.) lasciare, allentare
    3) (to move (a catch, brake etc) which prevents something else from moving, operating etc: He released the handbrake and drove off.) allentare, sbloccare
    4) (to allow (news etc) to be made known publicly: The list of winners has just been released.) (rendere pubblico)
    5) (to offer (a film, record etc) to the general public: Their latest record will be released next week.) (mettere sul mercato)
    2. noun
    1) (the act of releasing or being released: After his release, the prisoner returned to his home town; the release of a new film; ( also adjective) the release catch.) rilascio, liberazione
    2) (something that is released: This record is their latest release; The Government issued a press release (= a statement giving information about something, sent or given to newspapers, reporters etc).) pubblicazione; comunicato
    * * *
    release /rɪˈli:s/
    1 [uc] rilascio; liberazione; (med.) dimissione ( di un paziente): the hostage's release, il rilascio dell'ostaggio; release from prison, scarcerazione: He committed a robbery one week after his release from prison, ha commesso una rapina una settimana dopo essere uscito di prigione
    2 rilascio; emissione ( di gas, ecc.): the release of toxic substances, il rilascio di sostanze tossiche; the release of waste products into the environment, il rilascio di scorie nell'ambiente
    3 [u] diffusione: the release of secret documents, la divulgazione di documenti segreti; the release of a photofit by the police, la diffusione di un photofit da parte della polizia
    4 album (o film, ecc.) appena uscito: Their latest release is already number one in the charts, il loro ultimo album è già in testa alle classifiche; You can find all the new releases on this DVD rental site, puoi trovare tutti i film appena usciti su questo sito di noleggio DVD online
    5 [u] uscita (di film, disco, ecc.): The release of the film has been pushed back by six months, l'uscita del film è stata rimandata di sei mesi; The band embarked on a tour to promote the release of their album, il gruppo è partito per una tournée per promuovere l'uscita del loro ultimo album
    6 [cu] liberazione (fig.); sollievo: a feeling of release, un senso di sollievo
    7 [uc] allentamento ( della presa, ecc.); il lasciar andare: a release of tension, un allentamento della tensione
    8 (cinem.) produzione: a Warner Bros release, una produzione della Warner Bros
    9 [uc] (leg.) abbandono ( di un diritto); cessione ( di beni); concessione, rilascio ( di diritti ad altri)
    10 [u] liberazione ( da un obbligo); esonero ( dal servizio); esenzione ( fiscale, ecc.); remissione ( di un debito)
    11 [u] (aeron., mil.) sgancio ( di bombe); lancio ( di missili)
    12 (mecc.) sbloccaggio; scatto: the release of a spring, lo scatto di una molla
    14 (fotogr.) scatto
    15 (fig.) sfogo; scoppio (fig.): a release of pent-up anger, uno sfogo d'ira repressa
    16 (comput.) versione ( di un programma); rilascio ( inizio della disponibilità di un programma sul mercato): release candidateRC, def. 4; release notes, note di rilascio; note sulla versione
    18 ( sport) congedo, permesso di trasferimento ( di un giocatore)
    19 ( sci) apertura ( di un attacco): release setting screw, vite per regolare l'apertura dell'attacco
    20 (leg., naut.) dissequestro
    ● (leg.) release from seizure, dissequestro □ (mecc.) release lever, leva di sbloccaggio □ the release of goods from customs, lo svincolo di merci dalla dogana □ release of a mortgage, estinzione di un'ipoteca □ (leg.) release of right of action, rinuncia all'azione in giudizio □ (leg.) release on bail, concessione della libertà provvisoria su cauzione □ (fotogr.) release trigger, levetta dello scatto; scatto □ press release, comunicato stampa □ ( di un film) on (general) release, nelle sale cinematografiche: The film goes on general release in the UK on August 31st, il film esce nelle sale cinematografiche del Regno Unito il 31 agosto □ (farm.) time-release capsule, capsula a rilascio lento.
    ♦ (to) release /rɪˈli:s/
    v. t.
    1 liberare; rilasciare; (med.) dimettere ( un paziente): to release a prisoner [a hostage], rilasciare un prigioniero [un ostaggio]; to release sb. from a promise, liberare (o sciogliere) q. da una promessa; to release goods from customs, svincolare merci dalla dogana
    2 allentare; lasciare: to release one's hold, mollare la presa
    3 emettere ( gas, ecc.); sprigionare: Poisonous chemicals were released into the atmosphere, sostanze chimiche tossiche sono state sprigionate nell'atmosfera; Crude oil released into the sea killed tens of thousands of seabirds, il petrolio greggio riversato nel mare ha ucciso decine di migliaia di uccelli marini
    4 (aeron. mil.) sganciare ( bombe); lanciare ( missili)
    5 scaricare (fig.); sfogare: to release pent-up anger, scaricare l'ira repressa
    6 rendere noto: Further information will be released shortly, ulteriori informazioni verranno rese note entro breve; The results of the survey will be released next month, i risultati del sondaggio saranno pubblicati il mese prossimo
    7 fare uscire ( un film, un album, un DVD, ecc.): They've just released their first single, è appena uscito il loro primo single; They want to release the film in time for the Christmas period, vogliono che il film esca in tempo per il periodo natalizio
    8 (leg.) prosciogliere ( un imputato); liberare, esonerare ( da un obbligo)
    9 (leg.) cedere ( una proprietà, un diritto); consegnare ( beni, chiavi, documenti, ecc.); abbandonare, rinunciare a ( un diritto); rimettere, condonare ( un debito)
    10 (econ., market.) immettere ( prodotti) sul mercato; mettere in commercio
    11 (mecc.) sbloccare; sganciare
    12 far scattare: to release a spring, fare scattare una molla
    13 (autom.) togliere: to release the handbrake, togliere il freno a mano; to release the clutch, lasciare (lentamente) il pedale della frizione
    15 ( sport) congedare, dare a ( un giocatore) il permesso di trasferirsi
    17 ( tiro con l'arco) scoccare: to release an arrow, scoccare una freccia
    ● (leg.) to release st. from seizure, dissequestrare qc.
    * * *
    I [rɪ'liːs]
    1) (liberation) rilascio m., liberazione f.
    2) fig. (relief) sollievo m., liberazione f.
    3) mil. (of missile) lancio m.; (of bomb) sganciamento m.
    4) tecn. (of mechanism) sgancio m.
    5) giorn. (announcement) comunicato m. (stampa)
    6) cinem. (making publicly available) distribuzione f.
    7) (film, video, record) novità f.
    8) (discharge form) congedo m.
    II [rɪ'liːs]
    1) (set free) rilasciare, mettere in libertà [hostage, prisoner]; liberare [accident victim, animal]
    2) fig.

    to release sb. from — sciogliere qcn. da [promise, obligation]

    3) tecn. sganciare [catch, clasp]; fot. aprire [ shutter]; aut. togliere [ handbrake]
    4) (shoot) scoccare [ arrow]; mil. sganciare [ bomb]; lanciare [ missile]
    5) (let go of) lasciare, mollare [object, hand]

    to release one's grip of sth. — lasciare qcs., allentare la presa su qcs

    6) giorn. diffondere, rendere pubblico [news, statement]; pubblicare [photo, picture]
    7) cinem. fare uscire, distribuire [ film]; mus. fare uscire, lanciare [video, record]

    English-Italian dictionary > release

  • 15 Héroult, Paul Louis Toussaint

    SUBJECT AREA: Metallurgy
    b. 1863 Thury-Harcourt, Caen, France
    d. 9 May 1914 Antibes, France
    French metallurigst, inventor of the process of aluminium reduction by electrolysis.
    Paul Héroult, the son of a tanner, at the age of 16, while still at school in Caen, read Deville's book on aluminium and became obsessed with the idea of developing a cheap way of producing this metal. After his family moved to Gentillysur-Bièvre he studied at the Ecole Sainte-Barbe in Paris and then returned to Caen to work in the laboratory of his father's tannery. His first patent, filed in February and granted on 23 April 1886, described an invention almost identical to that of C.M. Hall: "the electrolysis of alumina dissolved in molten cryolite into which the current is introduced through suitable electrodes. The cryolite is not consumed." Early in 1887 Héroult attempted to obtain the support of Alfred Rangod Pechiney, the proprietor of the works at Salindres where Deville's process for making sodium-reduced aluminium was still being operated. Pechiney persuaded Héroult to modify his electrolytic process by using a cathode of molten copper, thus making it possible produce aluminium bronze rather than pure aluminium. Héroult then approached the Swiss firm J.G.Nehe Söhne, ironmasters, whose works at the Falls of Schaffhausen obtained power from the Rhine. They were looking for a new metallurgical process requiring large quantities of cheap hydroelectric power and Héroult's process seemed suitable. In 1887 they established the Société Metallurgique Suisse to test Héroult's process. Héroult became Technical Director and went to the USA to defend his patents against those of Hall. During his absence the Schaffhausen trials were successfully completed, and on 18 November 1888 the Société Metallurgique combined with the German AEG group, Oerlikon and Escher Wyss, to establish the Aluminium Industrie Aktiengesellschaft Neuhausen. In the early electrolytic baths it was occasionally found that arcs between the bath surface and electrode could develop if the electrodes were inadvertently raised. From this observation, Héroult and M.Killiani developed the electric arc furnace. In this, arcs were intentionally formed between the surface of the charge and several electrodes, each connected to a different pole of the AC supply. This furnace, the prototype of the modern electric steel furnace, was first used for the direct reduction of iron ore at La Praz in 1903. This work was undertaken for the Canadian Government, for whom Héroult subsequently designed a 5,000-amp single-phase furnace which was installed and tested at Sault-Sainte-Marie in Ontario and successfully used for smelting magnetite ore.
    Further Reading
    Aluminium Industrie Aktiengesellschaft Neuhausen, 1938, The History of the Aluminium-Industrie-Aktien-Gesellschaft Neuhausen 1888–1938, 2 vols, Neuhausen.
    C.J.Gignoux, Histoire d'une entreprise française. "The Hall-Héroult affair", 1961, Metal Bulletin (14 April):1–4.

    Biographical history of technology > Héroult, Paul Louis Toussaint

  • 16 Worsdell, Thomas William

    b. 14 January 1838 Liverpool, England
    d. 28 June 1916 Arnside, Westmorland, England
    English locomotive engineer, pioneer of the use of two-cylinder compound locomotives in Britain.
    T.W.Worsdell was the son of Nathaniel Worsdell. After varied training, which included some time in the drawing office of the London \& North Western Railway's Crewe Works, he moved to the Pennsylvania Railroad, USA, in 1865 and shortly became Master Mechanic in charge of its locomotive workshops in Altoona. In 1871, however, he accepted an invitation from F.W. Webb to return to Crewe as Works Manager: it was while he was there that Webb produced his first compound locomotive by rebuilding an earlier simple.
    In 1881 T.W.Worsdell was appointed Locomotive Superintendent of the Great Eastern Railway. Working with August von Borries, who was Chief Mechanical Engineer of the Hannover Division of the Prussian State Railways, he developed a two-cylinder compound derived from the work of J.T.A. Mallet. Von Borries produced his compound 2–4–0 in 1880, Worsdell followed with a 4–4–0 in 1884; the restricted British loading gauge necessitated substitution of inside cylinders for the outside cylinders used by von Borries, particularly the large low-pressure one. T.W.Worsdell's compounds were on the whole successful and many were built, particularly on the North Eastern Railway, to which he moved as Locomotive Superintendent in 1885. There, in 1888, he started to build, uniquely, two-cylinder compound "single driver" 4–2–2s: one of them was recorded as reaching 86 mph (138 km/h). He also equipped his locomotives with a large side-window cab, which gave enginemen more protection from the elements than was usual in Britain at that time and was no doubt appreciated in the harsh winter climate of northeast England. The idea for the cab probably originated from his American experience. When T.W.Worsdell retired from the North Eastern Railway in 1890 he was succeeded by his younger brother, Wilson Worsdell, who in 1899 introduced the first 4– 6–0s intended for passenger trains in England.
    Further Reading
    C.Hamilton Ellis, 1958, Twenty Locomotive Men, Shepperton: Ian Allan, Ch. 15 (biography).
    E.L.Ahrons, 1927, The British Steam Railway Locomotive 1825–1925, London: The Locomotive Publishing Co., pp. 253–5 (describes his locomotives). C.Fryer, 1990, Experiments with Steam, Patrick Stephens, Ch. 7.

    Biographical history of technology > Worsdell, Thomas William

  • 17 Bullard, Edward Payson

    b. 18 April 1841 Uxbridge, Massachusetts, USA
    d. 22 December 1906 Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA
    American mechanical engineer and machine-tool manufacturer who designed machines for boring.
    Edward Payson Bullard served his apprenticeship at the Whitin Machine Works, Whitinsville, Massachusetts, and worked at the Colt Armory in Hartford, Connecticut, until 1863; he then entered the employ of Pratt \& Whitney, also in Hartford. He later formed a partnership with J.H.Prest and William Parsons manufacturing millwork and tools, the firm being known as Bullard \& Prest. In 1866 Bullard organized the Norwalk Iron Works Company of Norwalk, Connecticut, but afterwards withdrew and continued the business in Hartford. In 1868 the firm of Bullard \& Prest was dissolved and Bullard became Superintendent of a large machine shop in Athens, Georgia. He later organized the machine tool department of Post \& Co. at Cincinnati, and in 1872 he was made General Superintendent of the Gill Car Works at Columbus, Ohio. In 1875 he established a machinery business in Beekman Street, New York, under the name of Allis, Bullard \& Co. Mr Allis withdrew in 1877, and the Bullard Machine Company was organized.
    In 1880 Bullard secured entire control of the business and also became owner of the Bridgeport Machine Tool Works, Bridgeport, Connecticut. In 1883 he designed his first vertical boring and turning mill with a single head and belt feed and a 37 in. (94 cm) capacity; this was the first small boring machine designed to do the accurate work previously done on the face plate of a lathe. In 1889 Bullard gave up his New York interests and concentrated his entire attention on manufacturing at Bridgeport, the business being incorporated in 1894 as the Bullard Machine Tool Company. The company specialized in the construction of boring machines, the design being developed so that it became essentially a vertical turret lathe. After Bullard's death, his son Edward Payson Bullard II (b. 10 July 1872 Columbus, Ohio, USA; d. 26 June 1953 Fairfield, Connecticut, USA) continued as head of the company and further developed the boring machine into a vertical multi-spindle automatic lathe which he called the "Mult-au-matic" lathe. Both father and son were members of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
    Further Reading
    J.W.Roe, 1916, English and American Tool Builders, New Haven: Yale University Press; repub. 1926, New York and 1987, Bradley, Ill.: Lindsay Publications Inc. (describes Bullard's machines).

    Biographical history of technology > Bullard, Edward Payson

  • 18 Hipp, Matthäus

    b. 25 October 1813 Blaubeuren, Germany
    d. 3 May 1893 Zurich, Switzerland
    German inventor and entrepreneur who produced the first reliable electric clock.
    After serving an apprenticeship with a clock-maker in Blaubeuren, Hipp worked for various clockmakers before setting up his own workshop in Reutlingen in 1840. In 1842 he made his first electric clock with an ingenious toggle mechanism for switching the current, although he claimed that the idea had occurred to him eight years earlier. The switching mechanism was the Achilles' heel of early electric clocks. It was usually operated by the pendulum and it presented the designer with a dilemma: if the switch made a firm contact it adversely affected the timekeeping, but if the contact was lightened it sometimes failed to operate due to dirt or corrosion on the contacts. The Hipp toggle switch overcame this problem by operating only when the amplitude of the pendulum dropped below a certain value. As this occurred infrequently, the contact pressure could be increased to provide reliable switching without adversely affecting the timekeeping. It is an indication of the effectiveness of the Hipp toggle that it was used in clocks for over one hundred years and was adopted by many other makers in addition to Hipp and his successor Favag. It was generally preferred for its reliability rather than its precision, although a regulator made in 1881 for the observatory at Neuchâtel performed creditably. This regulator was enclosed in an airtight case at low pressure, eliminating errors due to changes in barometric pressure. This practice later became standard for observatory regulators such as those of Riefler and Shortt. The ability of the Hipp toggle to provide more power when the clock was subjected to an increased load made it particularly suitable for use in turret clocks, whose hands were exposed to the vagaries of the weather. Hipp also improved the operation of slave dials, which were advanced periodically by an electrical impulse from a master clock. If the electrical contacts "chattered" and produced several impulses instead of a single sharp impulse, the slave dials would not indicate the correct time. Hipp solved this problem by producing master clocks which delivered impulses that alternated in polarity, and slave dials which only advanced when the polarity was changed in this way. Polarized impulses delivered every minute became the standard practice for slave dials used on the European continent. Hipp also improved Wheatstone's chronoscope, an instrument that was used for measuring very short intervals of time (such as those involved in ballistics).
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Honorary doctorate, University of Zurich 1875.
    Further Reading
    Neue deutsche Biographie, 1972, Vol. 9, Berlin, pp. 199–200.
    "Hipp's sich selbst conrolirende Uhr", Dinglers polytechnisches Journal (1843), 88:258– 64 (the first description of the Hipp toggle).
    F.Hope-Jones, 1949, Electrical Timekeeping, 2nd edn, London, pp. 62–6, 97–8 (a modern description in English of the Hipp toggle and the slave dial).
    C.A.Aked, 1983, "Electrical precision", Antiquarian Horology 14:172–81 (describes the observatory clock at Neuchâtel).

    Biographical history of technology > Hipp, Matthäus

  • 19 Focke, E.H.Heinrich

    SUBJECT AREA: Aerospace
    b. October 1890 Bremen, Germany
    d. February 1979 Bremen, Germany
    German aircraft designer who was responsible for the first practical helicopter, in 1936.
    Between 1911 and 1914 Heinrich Focke and Georg Wulf built a monoplane and some years later, in 1924, they founded the Focke-Wulf company. They designed and built a variety of civil and military aircraft including the F 19Ente, a tail-first design of 1927. This canard layout was thought to be safer than conventional designs but, unfortunately, it crashed, killing Wulf. Around 1930 Focke became interested in rotary-wing aircraft, and in 1931 he set up a company with Gerd Achgelis to conduct research in this field. The Focke-Wulf company took out a licence to build Cierva autogiros. Focke designed an improved autogiro, the Fw 186, which flew in 1938; it was entered for a military competition, but it was beaten by a fixed-wing aircraft, the Fieseler Storch. In May 1935 Focke resigned from Focke-Wulf to concentrate on helicopter development with the Focke-Achgelis company. His first design was the Fa 61 helicopter, which utilized the fuselage and engine of a conventional aeroplane but instead of wings had two out-riggers, each carrying a rotor. The engine drove these rotors in opposite directions to counteract the adverse torque effect (with a single rotor the fuselage tends to rotate in the opposite direction to the rotor). Following its first flight on 26 June 1936, the Fa 61 went on to break several world records. However, it attracted more public attention when it was flown inside the huge Deutschlandhalle in Berlin by the famous female test pilot Hanna Reitsch in February 1938. Focke continued to develop his helicopter projects for the Focke-Achgelis company and produced the Fa 223 Drache in 1940. This used twin contra-rotating rotors, like the Fa 61, but could carry six people. Its production was hampered by allied bombing of the factory. During the Second World War Focke- Achgelis also produced a rotor kite which could be towed behind a U-boat to provide a flying "crow's nest", as well as designs for an advanced convertiplane (part aeroplane, part helicopter). After the war, Focke worked in France, the Netherlands and Brazil, then in 1954 he became Professor of Aeroplane and Helicopter Design at the University of Stuttgart.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Wissenschaftliche, Gesellschaft für Luftfahrt Lilienthal Medal, Prandtl-Ring.
    1965, "German thinking on rotary-wing development", Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society, (May).
    Further Reading
    W.Gunston and J.Batchelor, 1977, Helicopters 1900–1960, London.
    J.R.Smith, 1973, Focke-Wulf: An Aircraft Album, London (primarily a picture book). R.N.Liptrot, 1948, Rotating Wing Activities in Germany during the Period 1939–45, London.
    K.von Gersdorff and K.Knobling, 1982, Hubschrauber und Tragschrauber, Munich (a more recent publication, in German).

    Biographical history of technology > Focke, E.H.Heinrich

  • 20 Mikoyan, Artem Ivanovich

    SUBJECT AREA: Aerospace
    b. 5 August 1905 Sanain, Armenia
    d. 9 December 1970 Moscow, Russia
    Armenian aircraft designer.
    Mikoyan graduated from the Zhukovsky Military Aircraft Academy in 1936. His first major design project was in response to an official requirement, issued in December 1940, for a single-engined fighter with performance equating to those then in service with the British, French and German air forces. In conjunction with M.L. Gurevich, a mathematician, and in a bare four months, he produced a flying prototype, with a top speed of 401 mph (645 km/h), that entered service as the MiG-1 in 1941. The Mikoyan and Gurevich MiG-3 and MiG-5 followed, and they then designed the MiG-7 high-altitude fighter; however, the latter never came into service on account of the decline of the German air force.
    The Second World War MiG fighters were characterized by high speed, good protection and armament, but they had poor manoeuvrability. In 1945, however, Mikoyan began to study Western developments in jet-powered aircraft. The result was a series of jet fighters, beginning with the MiG-9A, through the MiG-11, to the MiG-15 that gave the Allied air forces such a shock when it first appeared during the Korean War. The last in the series in which Mikoyan himself was involved was the MiG-23, which entered service in 1967. The MiG series lived on after both his and Gurevich's (1976) deaths, with one of the latest models being the MiG-31.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Deputy to the Supreme Soviet 1950, 1954, 1958. Corresponding Member of the Soviet Academy of Sciences 1953. Member of the Council of Nationalities 1962. Three Stalin Prizes and other decorations.

    Biographical history of technology > Mikoyan, Artem Ivanovich

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